About Mary

Tips | Testimonials

Mary’s heartfelt longing is to help you recognize that what we call a body is simply a process. It is an ongoing process to Inhabit a body. Life is continually changing and because our bodies are living organisms they are continually changing as well. As we face and embrace the reality of what is happening in our body at any given moment, that is to say, as we become more conscious, we have more choice! The sooner we dispense with the old adages of, “no pain, no gain” and “all or nothing” the better off we, and our bodies will be.

“I consider Embodiyoga™, Balance™, and Meditation Secrets for Women studies as some of the most significant and potent learning experiences of my life. They have all helped me foster and continue to develop a deeply committed relationship with the earth which allows me to extend my best to others.”


Mary has training and certifications in the following disciplines:

  • Trager® Approach certified practitioner
  • EmbodiYoga™-500 hour teacher
  • Stott Pilates Matwork
  • Balance™ (Spinefulness™)
  • E-RYT 500 Hatha Yoga teacher
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Polarity therapy level 1
  • Reiki level II
  • Licensed Massage Therapist since 1996
  • Radiance Sutras-200hr Instinctive Meditation Guide

She remains immersed in ongoing inquiries in these practices as well as being steeped in the meditation teachings and practices of Camille Maurine and Dr. Lorin Roche, authors of Meditation Secrets for Women and Meditation 24/7.